""Monsters" ist ein gutes Rockalbum, das sich in der Schnittmenge zwischen symphonischen Melodic- und Progressivem Rock bewegt, bei dem Neo-Prophet den Fokus auf die Melodien und schönen Soli legen. Wer sich in diesen Gefilden tummelt, dem kann ich die Debüt-CD ans Herz legen"
Stephan Schelle - MusikZirkus Magazine (D)
"This is real melodic stuff and the musicianship is top notch.. the songs are very well written with excellent orchestral arrangements and fine melodies ...I am very impressed with Neo-Prophet and considering this is their first full album they should have a bright future indeed (8/10)"
Jon Neudorf - Progressive Ears (Can)
"« Monsters » de Neo-Prophet se révèle être un album à écouter absolument si vous êtes fan de Rock Progressif et encore plus si votre penchant se situe du côté des années 70. On a donc là un premier album définitivement… explosif (8/10)!!"
El Bia - MusicWaves.Fr
".. without any doubt a phenomenal CD and unfortunately little seen these days !... 100% worth its purchase .. 90/100 "
Alexis Berman - Planeta Rock (Argentina)
"Deze band bestaat uit vier rasmuzikanten..dan kan ik alleen maar melden dat dit een uitstekend album is geworden. De nodige variaties worden niet geschuwd, het klinkt soms funky, soms echt neo-progressief, maar ook heerlijk subtiel. "
Ruard Veltmaat - Progwereld.org (NL)
"…bref, que de l'excellent!…mais tout cela est encore très réducteur!…car NEO-PROPHET, c'est, comment dire…NEO-PROPHET!…point!…une musique qui vous entraine loin dans les méandres du prog……à acheter d'urgence…qu'est-ce que j'aime cet album!…"
Eric Kehlaoui - Prog and Rock (France)
".. Spring in my CD Player !... loaded with an amazing dose of energy.. a true Masterpiece..lick your fingers..5/5 "
Krzysztof Baran - Progrock.org (PL)
"11/15 "Class début-Respect !""
Jürgen Meurer - Progressive Newsletter (D)
"Neo-Prophet managed to create a fantastic album...All tracks on Monsters are good, without any weak spot...Neo-Prophet proves that the rest of the world cannot ignore Belgium any longer as far as prog rock is concerned
Henri Strik - Background Magazine (NL)
"4/.5 "Anyone who likes Fish-era Marillion will enjoy this....this band can rock when they want to...""
David Randall - Get Ready to Rock (UK)
"An album that will likely please the lovers of powerfull neo-progressive rock... Professionally produced by Frank van Boogaert.. a more then creditable début."
Joost Boley - Aardschock Magazine (NL)
"...the CD has been released and it looks and sounds very professionally... it is pure Neo-Prog with some very nice songs between the 8 included....Definitely a band to check out if you're a Neo-progfan....8.2/10 ".
Gabor Fabian - Strutter Magazine (NL)
"...Monsters became a truly brilliant and crystal clear album full of melodic progressive elements, heavy guitar lines and nice finger doodles, keyboard parts, etc. and lots of joyful moments for you - the listener - constantly begging for more. I bet you will play it over and over again!..... 9/10
Johan van Kaethoven - Prog-Nose (B)